The beginning of something great...
Prima Donna Productions, (Prima Donna Pastries), is the by product of an ambitious woman filled with a great entrepreneurial spirit. What started as an entertainment driven company has transformed into a new passion for CEO, Shanissa Yarbrough. Prima Donna Productions proudly moves forward in its first business venture with Prima Donna Pastries. In time, we expect to capitalize on the market of the food truck catering industry and expand the brand beyond pastries to southern style cooking with, A Taste of Heaven.
Below is a little background information for former model and current CEO, Shanissa Yarbrough.
Distributed in Atlanta, GA "America's Most Captivating |
June 2014
American Beauty |
June 2014
Urban Magazine Feature
June 2014
Urban Magazine Feature
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Black Men Magazine
Unlimited Potential.... #TeamShanissa
Last year, Shanissa made it a goal to appear on at least one billboard...
Support Shanissa, the CEO of privately owned company Prima Donna Productions LLC. Simply share this information with someone who sees the potential.